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My Author Website encourages you to hire me for your writing needs. Portfolios 1, 2, & 3 show my writing samples.

Tampa Bay Freelance Writer

“I want to write your company’s message and information.”


  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Ghostwriting


Niche category chosen because of the care I received and provided. The spirit of caring for people draws me to enjoy helping. Not only did I receive much help from my parent, but also provided help to them. Also, I worked as a caregiver for an agency during school breaks.


My Multiple Sclerosis (MS) stayed Relapsing-Remitting (RR) from diagnosis at seventeen till in my early sixties. A gradual decline began then.

My gait slowed. I used one cane outside for a few years. Inside, ‘wall walking’ to maintain my balance. Then, two canes. I used two ski poles. Declining further, I gave in to a wheelchair outdoors only. Full-time wheelchair and motorized scooter use began five years ago.

Fortunately, my parents missed this part of my MS adventure.


My parents, both devastated by the news at first, cared for me relentlesly with love and devotion. They often sacrificed more than I or anyone else knew. That’s what parents do, right?

Mother contracted lung cancer at sixty-four. Dad shouldered the major burden for her care. I travelled to their home each weekend. Dad needed time off and I needed time with just my mother.

When she died only four months later. I often wished I stayed living with them. In retrospect, I realize they needed that time together.


Twenty years later, Dad needed care. We flew to visit him frequently, for we lived 2,000 miles away from him, plus he hired a caretaker. Cherished memories occurred while I cared for him myself to provide his helper vacation time.


Education, my second niche honors my dad. Also, education provided my livelihood. My family produced many educators. Helping people of all ages learn still brings joy to my life.

Education influenced most of my life. Being at school where all my friends were caused me to love it even more.

I loved learning. Studying took too long. That accounts for my less than honor roll grades. My grades were good, not excellent, except for certain subjects; English, Music, Art, Latin. Teachers and I had mutual admiration as they saw me trying my best.


Ghostwriting provides an opportunity to help another create a piece of writing they either don’t know how, have no time, or don’t want to do themselves.

The image above hardly qualifies as something ghostly. It doesn’t even have anything to do with ghostwriting. The term only means that one person writes a book or other writing piece for another. The freelance ‘ghost’ writer hands over the writing rights to the one who paid the writer after supplying the story.

The person who hired the writer puts his/her name on the writing as the author. The author lives on to tell another story.

No one is the wiser or will ever know. 

An Underwood typewriter?
“Do Underwood typewriters still exist?”


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